Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Well I'll Be Flushed!

We're late getting to this.

We Two Arseholes freely admit to having a special interest in this story, not the least of which is, because the "Crown" is where we think best. As such, it is important you know where we stand/sit on this story.

"What's that Fat Arse? Oh, just great!"

Well readers (surprise-surfuckingprise), turns out, we two arses are again divided on another issue!

Arse, being Fat Arse, is pissed. He's mad, saying he will never realize the promised water savings of the 1/2 flush.

"Christ," he bellowed, "You know I only piss outside as is! How the fuck is this newfangled crapper going to save me water? PLUS, when I CRAP, I need all the FLUSH I can get!"

Well readers, Fat Arse, is an idiot. Firstly, no intelligent man should be whizzing outside into a -40c windchill. Secondly, the planet needs us to save water. Face it everyone, 'Dual-flush' crappers are the wave of the future. Embrace them now! I know I do ...

1 comment:

  1. We recently installed a low-flush toilet at home. We've been amazed at the environmental and financial savings. No floaters for us!
