Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Please sir, may we have another bed time story?

Damn near had to give Fat Arse the Heimlich after choking on Harper's little fable last night!

Delivered in what Andrew Coyne, somewhat embarrassingly, called Harper's "
small voice," the "speech" was not so much a dialogue with a nation as it was a cautionary tale for us kiddies on the dangers that lurk beyond the forest's edge.

Classic tropes Steve - nice (see also this take on the "crisis" Harper has manufactured).

Not satisfied with bully, Harper has added patronizing ass to his increasingly underwhelming cv.

The prospect of another month of our so-called PM serving up more steaming piles of dung like that, has puckered us right up. In fact, I'm not sure how much more of the PM's bullshit Fat Arse can swallow.


1 comment:

  1. Well said -but now that he has his wish it is all academic.
