Monday, December 1, 2008

The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight

Our favorite dork Tony 'Big Mama' Clement misses the mark when he accuses the Liberals of being the "ready, fire, aim" gang. If anyone is 'target challenged' it's this gang of Tories.

Having aimed too high in his coveted quest for a majority, Harper's inner-bitter child finally got the best of him. Now, as we suggest here, his recklessness has cost him.

With a single-issue (the economy) driving the agenda and the Grits in disarray, the mandate bestowed upon him by the electorate was clear: just govern stupid.

But Lil' Steve just couldn't help himself - he had to politicize the situation. And in such a crass manner as well: a poison pill that he knows no self-respecting politician, least of all himself, could swallow.
Instead of keeping his steely eye on the real concerns of Joe & Jane Canuck he has spent his time since the election firing errant shots across the opposition's bow. That's not governing stupid.

Now, having shot himself and his party in the ass (fatally?), he is really pissed.

Or is he? Is the emerging consensus that Harper has buggered his parliamentary position really on target? We thought we'd be the first to ask.

Could this not all be part of Harper's own Machiavellian
Führungsplan, whereby a forced and unsteady coalition inevitably fails in the face of such dismal economic realities, and Steve and the gang ride to the rescue and win a majority government?

Are we off the mark? Maybe, but at the very least its something that makes us go hmmm...?

We happen to think Canadians are too smart to swallow that particular Tory pill. But if we are wrong, rest assured bigger guns will be required to take this gang of Tories out lest they do any reall damage.


  1. Now this one I like. Only Stephen Harper could figure out a way to lose after he'd just won.

  2. Hillarious! Saw link on CBC story - not shooting straight gang is apt.

  3. Get a life you goofs. Sure denigrate Harper and let this country go down the tubes. easy for idiots like you on the sidelines to take potshots -you've probably never worked a day in your life. Losers!

  4. Ouch!

    Hey Anon(2), we do work - and we also blog. Not that hard balancing the two. Now that you know how to read & write why don't you try it?

    Whatsamatta? Tory keepers won't let you out long enough to pursue your own thoughts? See our earlier post on dead Debby the Polar bear - get stuffed.

  5. Rowell: thanks for the support, at least for this one. We apologize in advance, however, that not all future posts will be as good or even in good taste. We are sure to offend, probably any minute now...
