Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Manitoba's Tory Party: Under Construction

Saw this at 10:30 am CST on the PC website:

"Please come back at 9am CST for the launch of the new PC Manitoba website. Thank you."
And a new election slogan for the Hughie-mobile:

"Manitoba's Tories: Better Late Than Never"

UPDATE: it's up, it's up! We are so grateful to have been there for this historic moment (albeit an hour and a half late). It was right up there with Obama, except without the Internet traffic problems...good to see whizzing wee-Hughie is still on the job. He's cool!

UPDATE DEUX: McWho?Tube Hits the Web

Despite being arseholes we are not without our sense of civic duty. And so we have taken the extraordinary step of helping the Tories overcome the technical challenges of launching their new website by hosting
wee-Hughie's new video section. Enjoy (it gets really good at about the 30 second mark).

LE TROISIEME UPDATE: Don't you think it "personalizes the leader and shows him at work" just as Curtis desires?

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